Quentin Blue is Billy Harwood, Richie R3 Morris & Dwight Krizman. QB was founded in 2014 while we were serving time at San Quentin. We are three "almost old guys" who are passionate about our craft. We have gained our freedom and reconnected by God's Grace. We are here with a message for you that positive change through music and the arts is possible, no matter your past.
Please explore our original music, photo galleries, and work in video and podcasts, all available on this website through the headers above.
Quentin Blue Music Productions, LLC works with singer-songwriters in the creation of their music. We recently formed QBMP to further our mission of showing positive change and contribution to our communities is possible through the arts and music. We're offering our production and recording services, and seeking collaboration partners to enhance and grow our vision!
Might that be you?
Just turning 60, and the youngest of 8 children, Richie was raised in north-central California, and spent 34.5 years incarcerated. He was found suitable for parole in January of 2020. A life-long musician, he is a founding member of Quentin Blue which began when he transferred to San Quentin in 2014. A talented lyricist and story-teller
Just turning 60, and the youngest of 8 children, Richie was raised in north-central California, and spent 34.5 years incarcerated. He was found suitable for parole in January of 2020. A life-long musician, he is a founding member of Quentin Blue which began when he transferred to San Quentin in 2014. A talented lyricist and story-teller, writer and guitar player. Richie is Quentin Blue’s main vocalist and co-produces the group’s music alongside Dwight Krizman and Bill Harwood.
“I do not prescribe to coincidence. Quentin Blue is alive and well.”
(Richie R3 Morris”)
66 years young, Dwight grew up in Hollywood California, an only child until later in life when his sister Sasha was born. Poor decisions and poor life choices led Dwight to prison at the age of 47. 17.5 years later he was found suitable for parole, with his last 10 years spent at San Quentin. He was released in July of 2020 in the mid
66 years young, Dwight grew up in Hollywood California, an only child until later in life when his sister Sasha was born. Poor decisions and poor life choices led Dwight to prison at the age of 47. 17.5 years later he was found suitable for parole, with his last 10 years spent at San Quentin. He was released in July of 2020 in the middle of the serious San Quentin Covid-19 outbreak. Dwight is also a founding member of Quentin Blue, serving as bassist, drummer, and producer/engineer.
“My hope is that what we do might offer connection as we move into our collective futures.”
(Dwight Krizman)
Billy, just barely the eldest member of QB, was the last to join the group after transferring to San Quentin in 2018. He spent more than 16 years behind the wall. Another native Californian, his contribution to the QB sound is significant. Billy is a talented multi-instrumentalist who plays guitar and piano, and his orchestration & key
Billy, just barely the eldest member of QB, was the last to join the group after transferring to San Quentin in 2018. He spent more than 16 years behind the wall. Another native Californian, his contribution to the QB sound is significant. Billy is a talented multi-instrumentalist who plays guitar and piano, and his orchestration & keyboard work that includes horns, violin, and strings round out the band’s musical production. Paroling only a month after Dwight, Billy also experienced Covid-19 before being released.
"I was new to San Quentin when I found Quentin Blue. As soon as I heard their original music, I knew I had found a home, a place where I could express my musical sensibilities."
(Billy Harwood)
Pictured with Dwight is Bill Bannister who collaborates with Quentin Blue. Like there was a 5th Beatle, Bill is the honorary 4th member of the collective. A skilled pianist, guitarist and composer, Bill has collaborated on a number of QB songs including "Till We Meet Again" & "Drivin' Me Crazy" contributing keyboard tracks & some stunn
Pictured with Dwight is Bill Bannister who collaborates with Quentin Blue. Like there was a 5th Beatle, Bill is the honorary 4th member of the collective. A skilled pianist, guitarist and composer, Bill has collaborated on a number of QB songs including "Till We Meet Again" & "Drivin' Me Crazy" contributing keyboard tracks & some stunning guitar solos. Bill and Dwight have known each other since the mid-70's when they began playing in bands together. Their reconnection is truly an example of Coming Full Circle.
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